
Anaesthetic implications of Robinow syndrome.
Source/Author: Lirk P, Rieder J, Schuerholz A, Keller C.. Paediatr Anaesth. 2003 Oct;13(8):725-7. 

Dwarfs:Pathophysiology and Anesthetic Implications
Source/Author: Ivor D. Berkowitz, MB.B.Ch., Srinivasa N. Raja, MD, Karen S. Bender, MD, Steven E. Kopitz, MD 
Excellent article on anesthesia in dwarfs: risks and precautions (must have PDF reader).

Is your child having anesthetic?
Source/Author: The MPS society 
Support Group
Information on anesthesia risks and concerns in high risk patients with MPS and other similar conditions. General principles can be applied to many other skeletal dysplasias. 

Mucopolysaccharidoses and anaesthetic risks.
Source/Author: Sjogren P, Pedersen T, Steinmetz H. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 1987 Apr;31(3):214-8. 
Discussion of the risks that can be encountered when administering anesthesia to an individual with one of the MPS conditions.

Questions to Ask Your Anesthesiologist
Source/Author: Cheryl Reid 
Support Group
Article from LPA today written by MAB member.

Tienen su nino un anestisico?
Source/Author: The MPS Society
Support Group
Information on anesthesia risks and concerns in high risk patients with MPS and other similar conditions. General principles can be applied to many other skeletal dysplasias.