Laron Dwarfism
Laron syndrome Source/Author: OMIM, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Medical/Scientific description of Laron syndrome with emphasis on the genetics of the condition.
Growth Hormone Insensitivity Source/Author: National Organization of Rare Diseases Web-based (medical) Brief description (+ link to detailed report) of the clinical features/characteristics, medical complications and genetics of this condition.
Growth Hormone Resistance Source/Author: Medscape Web-based (medical) Description of condition in medical terminology, including clinical information, diagnosis, treatment and patient information
Laron syndrome Source/Author: Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research Web-based (medical) X-rays, MRIs, photographs and links to articles on Laron dwarfism.
Short stature due to growth hormone resistance (Laron syndrome) Source/Author: Orphanet Editorial Team Web-based (medical) Brief overview of the condition, scientific citations, clinical features and other web sites.