Morquio Syndrome (MPS IV)
A Guide to Understanding Morquio Syndrome (Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) type I) Source/Author: National MPS Society Support Group A booklet in pdf format on MPSIV, discussing the cause, inheritance, prenatal diagnosis, clinical problems (divided by body system), general treatment and management and specific treatment of MPSIV. Click on MPS IV to download booklet
A review of Morquio syndrome. Source/Author: Mikles M, Stanton RP. Am J Orthop. 1997 Aug;26(8):533-40. Abstract Discussion of Morquio syndrome with an emphasis on the orthopedic issues.
Cardiac Problems (in MPS disorders) Source/Author: The MPS society Support Group Detailed overview of the cardiac problems in all of the mucopolysaccharidosis disorders. Click on article title to open pdf.
Cervical stenosis and spastic quadriparesis in Morquio disease (MPS IV). A case report with twenty-six-year follow-up. Source/Author: White KK, Steinman S, Mubarak SJ Reference Medical journal article - case report on one patient with Morquio who was followed for 26 years for cervical stenosis. Full text article available by contacting [email protected]
Growth charts for patients affected with Morquio A disease. Source/Author: Montano AM, Tomatsu S, Brusius A, Smith M, Orii T Abstract Full text article available by contacting [email protected]
Guia para entender los syndromes de Morquio. Source/Author: The MPS society Support Group IN SPANISH. A booklet in pdf format on MPSIV, discussing the cause, inheritance, prenatal diagnosis, clinical problems (divided by body system), general treatment and management and specific treatment of MPSIV. Click on MPSIV to download booklet
Morquio syndrome chart for Body Mass Index (BMI) FEMALE Source/Author: Montano AM, Tomatsu S, Brusius A, Smith M, Orii T Growth chart BMI chart [weight(kg)/height squared (cm2)]. Dotted line shows 50th centile values for average statured females.
Morquio syndrome chart for Body Mass Index (BMI) MALE Source/Author: Montano AM, Tomatsu S, Brusius A, Smith M, Orii T Growth chart BMI chart [weight(kg)/height squared (cm2)]. Dotted line shows 50th centile values for average statured females.
Morquio syndrome chart for height FEMALE Source/Author: Montano AM, Tomatsu S, Brusius A, Smith M, Orii T Growth chart Height for age chart in centimeters. Dotted line shows 50th centile values for average statured females.
Morquio syndrome chart for height MALE Source/Author: Montano AM, Tomatsu S, Brusius A, Smith M, Orii T Growth chart Height for age chart in centimeters. Dotted line shows 50th centile values for average statured males.
Morquio syndrome chart for weight FEMALE Source/Author: Montano AM, Tomatsu S, Brusius A, Smith M, Orii T Growth chart Weight for age chart in kilograms. Dotted line shows 50th centile values for average statured females.
Morquio syndrome chart for weight MALE Source/Author: Montano AM, Tomatsu S, Brusius A, Smith M, Orii T Growth chart Weight for age chart in kilograms. Dotted line shows 50th centile values for average statured males.